This guide shows you how to use simple link in the advanced mode.

The key difference is that in the normal mode in your noipfraud client, the link inlcudes the noipfraud install location and would allow anyone to confirm you are running noip by just adding /app to the URL.

In the advanced mode you place a file in another subfolder that will read and run the campaign.

This is what the normal Simple Link method looks like:

CleanShot 2023-06-05 at 11.46.18@2x.png

To you the advanced mode - your URL would look like: [{campid}]({campid}) using a folder (in this case about) that does not have Noipfraud installed.

<aside> ⚠️ This method does not work with wordpress pages and you should not need it if you already use our wordpress plugin.


Here are the steps to implement this:

1. Choose a folder

Choose one of the folders on your root domain, or create one.

Make sure:

In our case we choose about. If you dont have a folder you can use then just create one.